'Stories from McAuley'


Year 2 Maths

27 August 2024

Year 2 have been engaged in hands-on learning in maths this term. 

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Book Week Parade

19 August 2024

We celebrated Book Week with our annual parade in the Plaza.

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Science Week

16 August 2024

During National Science Week we have welcomed tree frogs, stick insects, hermit crabs, a huntsman spider and a scorpion to McAuley.

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SACPSSA Cross Country

07 August 2024

Congratulations to everyone who competed at the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival.

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Music Evening

04 July 2024

'There's no place like home' was the theme for our school music evening.


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Year One Health

28 June 2024

Year One Educator, Mrs Tess Corcoran led a fun and educational day on nutrition.

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Year 6 Journey to Emmaus

27 June 2024

Today was the first day of the Year 6 ‘Journey to Emmaus’ program.

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Year 2 Showcase

27 June 2024

Year Two have been exploring objects from the past and present, then working collaboratively, designed a futuristic version

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Year One Habitat Explorations

26 June 2024

Year One have been diving into the fascinating world of living things.

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Year 6 Netball

19 June 2024

Years 3 to 6 have been busy learning the fundamentals of netball during their PE lessons in preparation for the SACPSSA Netball Carnival on Wednesday 3 July.

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