'Stories from McAuley'


Reception Liturgy


‘Prayer is an encounter with the mystery of God and we are invited into a relationship with God through this encounter’ (‘Being with God’, Catholic Education South Australia).

Learners at McAuley engage in regular Liturgy, which is a formalisation of prayer as a community. Here we are celebrating Liturgy with our Reception learners and their families in the McAuley Out of School Hours Care space.

We are grateful to our families for their support and involvement.

Reception to Year 2 engage in Neighbourhood Liturgies once per term.  The Years 3 to 6 Neighbourhoods celebrate in Mass where the Liturgy of the Eucharist is offered and presided by a priest from the Brighton Parish.

On Friday 7 September, Parish Priest Fr Michael celebrated our Year 3 Mass in our Chapel in the Catherine McAuley building with families present.

These are wonderful opportunities to pray, engage with the scripture and celebrate our Catholic faith in a meaningful way with families and the broader community.