'Stories from McAuley'


McAuley Community Care


McAuley Community School continues a long tradition of caring for families within our community.

A dedicated group of staff and parent/caregivers in our school community work together on McAuley Community Care.  Its purpose is to support and care for families in times of need.

School Chaplain, Mrs Emmy Smyk said, "We work in the spirit of Catherine McAuley. She is our inspiration".

Recognising this community need goes back to the 1990's at St Teresa's Catholic Primary School in Brighton.  We are grateful to Mrs Smyk for bringing this tradition to McAuley.

Volunteers meet twice a term in the evening and there are many different roles from cooking a meal, purchasing food trays and connecting with the Neighbourhoods. Recently, there was an afternoon of chat and cooking of pumpkin soup and bolognese at Mrs Bowden's home.

"We are always looking for more volunteers to cook the occasional meal for others", said McAuley Community Care Chair, Mrs Emily Bowden. 

For further information or support, please email mcc@mcs.catholic.edu.au or call 08 8397 6450. Click here to go to the McAuley Community Care page on our website.

We would like to acknowledge mum of two beautiful boys, Mrs Marina Ribeiro de Almeida who has been a volunteer for 10 years.  We have loved her South American influence in her meals and cooking skills.  Thank you from our families for your enthusiasm and generosity.