'Stories from McAuley'


Year One Habitat Explorations

26 June 2024

Year One have been diving into the fascinating world of living things.

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Year 6 Netball

19 June 2024

Years 3 to 6 have been busy learning the fundamentals of netball during their PE lessons in preparation for the SACPSSA Netball Carnival on Wednesday 3 July.

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McAuley Radio

14 June 2024

McAuley Radio is back!  Our Year 6 announcers spent term one in broadcasting education and are now live on air weekly. 

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State Flag Presentation

13 June 2024

State member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP visited McAuley and met with Principal, Sean Hill.

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Year 4 Music

12 June 2024

Manipulatives are tools learners can physically touch that give them a visual and kinesthetic sense of how a concept works.

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Year 3 Science

12 June 2024

Year 3 learners have been studying living and non-living things and life cycles in Science.

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Reader's Workshop in Year 4

05 June 2024

This term for Reader's Workshop in Year 4, they have been exploring different historical fiction texts.

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Maths in Reception

05 June 2024

In Miss Neis’ Reception class, they love learning about data!

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The 'Bowerbird Blues'

22 May 2024

Today we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime at McAuley.

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Year 5 Geography

21 May 2024

Year 5 has double Geography lessons each week as part of the HASS subject.

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