'Stories from McAuley'


Whole School Excursion

16 February 2024

Our whole school excursion was to Glenthorne National Park - Ityamaiitpinna Yarta.

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The season of Lent

14 February 2024

We gathered as a school community on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent. 

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Welcome BBQ

09 February 2024

A big thank you to everyone for the huge turnout to our Welcome BBQ. It was a fun night with great weather.

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Surf Safety

08 February 2024

It was an amazing week of Surf Safety for Years 3 to 6 at Hove Beach.

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Welcome Liturgy

02 February 2024

On Friday 2 February we gathered for a Welcome Liturgy to celebrate our 2024 theme of 'a place to connect.'

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McAuley Carols

13 December 2023

"It's beginning to look a-lot like Christmas"

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"Spin and twist. Glide and roll"

06 December 2023

Our Reception learners have been busy exploring how objects move.

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Christmas Baking for our Community

05 December 2023

Our Year 4 learners had the opportunity to decorate and pack Christmas biscuits for the guests of Fred's Van in the city.

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Our Choirs at Westfield

29 November 2023

It was a delight for families and customers to see our Early Years Choir and our Primary Years Choir perform at Westfield Marion on Wednesday 22 November.

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McAuley Community Care

15 November 2023

McAuley Community Care continues a long tradition of caring for families within our community.

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