'Stories from McAuley'


Year 2 Maths


Year 2 have been engaged in hands-on learning in maths this term. 

Enjoying their new classrooms in their refurbished Learning Neighbourhoods, students have worked together in pairs and groups to apply their measurement skills. They have been learning about length, capacity and mass. Through the use of informal units, students have explored these areas with both Explicit Instruction and Inquiry-Based activities.


Book Week Parade


We celebrated Book Week with our annual parade in the Plaza.

Thank you to our families for your support and creativity.  We loved welcoming our Alive ELC friends too.

It was a fun morning including a visit to our neighbours at Townsend Park.


Science Week


During National Science Week we have welcomed tree frogs, stick insects, hermit crabs, a huntsman spider and a scorpion to McAuley.

Supporting the theme - 'More than Just Sustainability', we explored the unique adaptations and survival strategies of these creatures. Students learnt about biodiversity and the delicate balance that supports life in regions like Adelaide.

Did you know scorpions have been thriving here for millions of years.  Their resilience is linked to their ability to survive in diverse environments.

The Bureau of Meteorology paid Year 6 a visit to discuss the importance of predicting weather patterns in agriculture and the vtial role in sustainable farming.

Our thanks to Year 6 teacher Mr Sam Charlton for coordinating an exciting Science Week at McAuley.



Happy 50th Emma


Wishing our gorgeous volunteer, Miss Emma Hoffmann, a very Happy 50th Birthday!

Born in Port Augusta, Emma moved to Brighton in 1997 and began working in the library at St Teresa’s Primary School. Since McAuley opened, Emma has been an integral part of our admin team every Tuesday and Wednesday.

An avid Crows supporter and a fan of every musical that comes to Adelaide, with a toss up between Mary Poppins and Tina Turner for her favourite.

We loved celebrating with you today Emma and your parents, Marilyn and Allan. 

Her mum said that volunteering is such a big part of her life.

"She lives for Tuesdays and Wednesdays!"

It was an impromptu party with ABBA blasting from our Boardroom. Big hugs from all of us Emma!


SACPSSA Cross Country


Congratulations to everyone who competed at the SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival.

After completing trials and morning training sessions at McAuley, it was a day for stamina and speed over the 2km course.

There were many amazing place getters from McAuley across the three divisions with Leo coming first in the Year 6 Boys Div A and Jade third in the Year 5 Girls Div A. Lenny was fourth in the Year 5 Boys Div A and Caitlin and Lyra were second and third respectively in the Year 5 Girls Div B. 

We are so proud of the nearly 40 competitors who put their heart and soul into their race.

Thank you to our PE Educator Mr Tom Siinmaa and to our Parent Volunteers.


Thank you P&F


A big thank you to our hardworking P&F with Chair, Leah and Parent Rep Coordinator, Leonie spending the morning sorting prizes from the popular Colour Fun Run.

It was prizes galore including a razor scooter, nintendo and mountains of slime, glitter and games!

A special acknowledgement to Grace Safadi from Year One and the Safadi family for their support of the Colour Fun Run. Grace was the official highest fundraiser in McAuley which is sincerely appreciated.

Our Colour Fun Run was amazing, our School Disco was loved by everyone and the Quiz Night is just around the corner on Saturday 31 August.  Tickets are still available on the QKR app.

Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend a P&F meeting. Please click or tap here to go the the P&F page on our website for more information. 



Music Evening


'There's no place like home' was the theme for our school music evening.

With thanks to Music Educator, Mrs McCallum and supported by our vocal and instrumental tutors, the learners embraced the opportunity to perform.  The Festival, Primary Year and Early Years Choirs opened the evening. We are so proud of everyone, the courage of our vocal and instrumental soloists and the musicality of the Rock and Concert Bands.



Year One Health


Year One Educator, Mrs Tess Corcoran led a fun and educational day on nutrition.

This was part of a Health unit on eating well to nourish our bodies. This hands-on learning gave Year One the opportunity to select their fruit of choice for fruit skewers, decorate rice cakes with healthy toppings to make funny faces and create their own sandwiches.

The activities were designed to reinforce the importance of healthy eating. 


Year 6 Journey to Emmaus


Today was the first day of the Year 6 ‘Journey to Emmaus’ program. Designed to support their faith journey and connection with peers from other schools prior to high school.

The theme was ‘Walking with Jesus?’ which was explored together as they defined his work and inspiration.

Each day of the three-day program in 2024, is led by regional Assistant Principals Religious Identity & Mission with McAuley’s Mr Mike Ellul participating, educators and Youth Ministers.  

Our thanks to all the McAuley staff for supporting our Year 6 learners.


Year 2 Showcase


Year Two have been exploring objects from the past and present, then working collaboratively, designed a futuristic version. They developed their knowledge of persuasive language as they wrote text to convince people to use their inventions.

On display at the ‘Investigators and Inventors Showcase’ were futuristic drink bottles, vacuum cleaners, toys, card shufflers and dog toys.

Thank you to the many families for visiting and sharing in your child’s learning.  It was a fun afternoon with other Neighbourhoods visiting too.

This unit of integrated learning is from Science, HASS, Design & Technologies and English.


Year One Habitat Explorations


Year One have been diving into the fascinating world of living things. They have been exploring how various creatures meet their needs in their environment. Each learner chose an animal to research, gathered key information about its diet, appearance, habitat, and other intriguing facts. This research was then transformed into vibrant and informative report posters.

Building on this knowledge, the learners have been busy in their technologies lesson, designing and creating dioramas of their chosen animal habitats. After carefully planning and sketching their envisioned projects, they have started producing some amazing creations.


Year 6 Netball


Years 3 to 6 have been busy learning the fundamentals of netball during their PE lessons in preparation for the SACPSSA Netball Carnival on Wednesday 3 July.

PE Educator, Mr Tom Siinmaa has been teaching the principles and tactics of netball of finding space, intercepting the ball and team communication.

Some of these learners play weekly netball for McAuley or a local club and have supported their friends who are now playing for the first time.

Attending the Carnival is optional for our Years 3 to 6 learners with over 85 planning to represent McAuley.

It’s been a great lead-up to the Carnival in two week's time. The beauty of this Carnival is that it's all about participation and putting new skills into place.  It is a great way to end an amazing term”, said Mr Siinmaa.


McAuley Radio


McAuley Radio is back!  Our Year 6 announcers spent term one in broadcasting education and are now live on air weekly. 

Tune in via our website, every Monday and Tuesday from 8:25 to 8:45am and afternoons from 2:55 to 3:15pm.  A rotating group of learners produces each session.

Click here to go to the McAuley Radio page on our website.

We are so grateful to experienced broadcaster, Mr Peter Kostiw, for working with our Year 6 learners again to teach them the intricacies of broadcasting.  Supported by Year 6 educator, Mrs Sarah Graham, this is an amazing opportunity to connect with our local and the broader community. 





State Flag Presentation


State member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP visited McAuley and met with Principal, Sean Hill.

A passionate advocate for our local community and the contribution of volunteers, Mrs Andrews presented our school with a new state flag.

Did you know the electorate of Gibson is named after Gladys Ruth Gibson who lived her life advocating for education and organised the first Book Week in SA in 1946.  As we know, it is now an integral part of the school calendar. 

Our Book Week Parade this year, is scheduled for Monday 19 August at 9am in the Plaza.


Year 4 Music


Manipulatives are tools learners can physically touch that give them a visual and kinesthetic sense of how a concept works.

They are often used in the Maths classroom, but here in music, they assist the Year 4 learners to consolidate the concepts taught over the previous weeks.   

The purpose of manipulatives in Music:

  • Reading rhythm patterns
  • Rhythm dictation 
  • Composing - making and performing their own patterns
  • Inner hearing practice 

Learners also engage in the music curriculum based on the Kodaly approach and rhythm syllables.  These rhythm syllables verbalise the actual number of sounds on a beat.

Music Educator, Mrs Tiffany McCallum has been focusing on the semiquaver which has four even sounds on a beat and they named ‘tika-tika’. 


Year 3 Science


Year 3 learners have been studying living and non-living things and life cycles in Science.

They have discovered there are seven characteristics to objects that make them living, as opposed to non-living. 

Life cycles are an important part of the understanding about living things. They are learning that different animals follow different life cycle patterns. 

An incursion was organised with the Urrbrae Education Centre, who explained how life cycles work and brought a selection of animals including a snake, possum, bearded dragon and stick insect!

Year 3 learners even visited the chicks in the Year 1 Neighbourhood.


Reader's Workshop in Year 4


This term for Reader's Workshop in Year 4, they have been exploring different historical fiction texts.

Together they have been reading the class novel, "Number the Stars" to learn important comprehension skills. The learners have been practicing these skills in small reading groups with various historical fiction texts.

The goal is to learn to find key points and details in the stories to form and explain their opinions and viewpoints. By examining the text closely, they have been able to describe the events, characters, settings and explain their insights.


Maths in Reception


In Miss Neis’ Reception class, they love learning about data!

They have learnt the process of collecting data which involves asking a question, collecting the information, displaying the findings and analysing the data.

Here the learners used a packet of Skittles to follow the process of collecting the data. They had fun exploring and comparing their findings. When they were finished, their little packet of Skittles was packed away in their bag to take home. 


The 'Bowerbird Blues'


Today we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime at McAuley.

Once a year, a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously or at least on the same day, around the country. 

This year’s book is ‘Bowerbird Blues’.  It’s a moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird’s search sends him soaring across the sea, sky and city. 

Here are some photos of our learners enjoying the story.


Year 5 Geography


Year 5 has double Geography lessons each week as part of the HASS subject.

Did you know, South Australia has over 30 Aboriginal Nations and Aboriginal Groups?  McAuley resides on Kaurna Land and it is important to understand how these communities lived prior to colonisation and continue to live today. 

Learners are exploring their understanding of the social, cultural and environmental consequences from the arrival of European settlers. Through the understanding of both primary and secondary resources, they have built an understanding of traditional methods of land management.

The lasting impacts of colonisation and the ongoing efforts towards reconciliation and social justice is also discussed in class. This work aligns with learning the impact of introduced species of animals and soil erosion in their STEM unit and the exploration of Indigenous recipes in their writing unit.

Educator, Mrs Alice Mixon commented, “Year 5 love exploring the changes that have happened to our land over time. They transport themselves back in time to imagine how the land used to be.  They are fascinated".


Flag Presentation


It was an honour to welcome Louise Miller-Frost MP, Federal Member for Boothby, to McAuley.

At our school assembly, Ms Miller-Frost presented three replacement flags: the Australian National Flag, the Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag.  Thank you to our Year 6 Flag Leaders for their respect in this responsibility.

We love our magnificent Murray Red Gum Trees standing proud too.




Open Afternoon


A heartfelt thank you to the many families who visited McAuley for our 'Open Afternoon'.

This event was in honour of Catholic Education Week and was a wonderful opportunity to share our learning.


Mother's Day


We are so grateful for the morning we shared celebrating Mother's Day.

It was a beautiful community gathering in the Plaza and for our Liturgy hosted by Year 4.

We honoured mums, grandmothers, aunts and all significant women in our lives.

Here are a handful of photos from the hundreds taken on the morning.


Colour Fun Run


What an exciting Friday afternoon for McAuley on Mawson Oval as the Colour Fun Run was back thanks to the P&F Committee.

An explosion of colour, bubbles and streamers over a fun obstacle course for our Reception to Year 6 learners.

Principal Mr Hill was slimed with a bucket of fluorescent yellow goo!  Mrs McCormick, Mr Ellul, Mr Siinmaa and Miss Guthrie were also good sports and slimed.

A very big thank you to our families for raising nearly $17,000 for our school.



Our Festival Choir


The annual Catholic Schools Music Festival is the premier Arts Event for Catholic Education in SA.  This morning the Music Director, Ms Denise Rothall visited McAuley and held a workshop with our Festival Choir in the Music Room.

Supported by Music Educator, Mrs Tiffany McCallum, learners were taught how to develop the skills required to memorise a large program of repertoire and choreography.  This motivated group of Year 5 & 6 learners practice every Thursday at lunchtime.

The Catholic Schools Music Festival is held in September at the Adelaide Festival Theatre.




The Brighton community gathered in huge numbers at the Arch of Remembrance for the ANZAC Day Dawn Service. 

Shaun Coghlan led proceedings supported by volunteers from Brighton RSL and Brighton Bowling Club. State Member for Gibson, Sarah Andrews MP gave the official address and Fr Michael gave a blessing. Corporal Andrew Pawson led the SA Pipes and Drums with a moving contribution to the morning.

School Leaders, Estelle, Ravi, Jessica and Lincoln represented McAuley by laying a wreath during the ceremony.

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
We will remember them’

Lest We Forget


Beach School


McAuley educators developed the Beach School learning concept to encourage our connection with nature. Learners settle into a relaxed energy and use natural resources found on the beach.

Here a Year 5 class are having their Literacy and Numeracy lesson. Angles and patterns were made in Mandalas on the sand. Haiku poems of three short lines were inspired by nature. Lesson content varies depending on the year level and curriculum links.

In Term 2, Years 3 and 4 will be enjoying a Beach School visit.


Our Easter Liturgy


Today we gathered in the McAuley Gym to celebrate our Easter Liturgy as a school community.

Over the past week, we followed Jesus on his Journey from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his Last Supper and then we followed him through his Journey to the Cross. 

Jesus gave up his life to show his love for us and to be forever in our hearts.  May we know Jesus is within us and we are all connected to his unending love as branches of the vine. 

Thank you to APRIM Mr Mike Ellul for guiding and inspiring our school community during the season of Lent.


Literacy in Year 6


All learners engage in a daily literacy block which includes Word Study, Reading Fluency Pairs, Reader's Workshop and Writing.  

Here Year 6 are engaging in reading fluency in pairs.  Learners work in pairs and take turns reading the same text to each other daily for a fortnight.  This practice improves their reading fluency.  Learners provide feedback to each other after each read.  This includes providing feedback on reading at an appropriate pace, reading punctuation and reading accurately and with expression. 


Literacy in Year 4


We love literacy at McAuley. All learners engage in a daily literacy block which includes Word Study, Reading Fluency Pairs, Reader's Workshop and Writing. 

To develop comprehension skills, Year 4 is exploring how characters are developed in fiction texts in Reader’s Workshop.  They track patterns in a character’s behaviour and develop an insight into who the character is as a person.


Literacy in Reception


All learners engage in a daily literacy block which includes Word Study, Reading Fluency Pairs, Reader's Workshop and Writing. 

Reception learners are engaging in Word Study.  We use the Playberry Laser scope and sequence and resources to teach phonology using a multisensory, structured synthetic phonics approach. This supports reading and spelling development.


Our Mini Vinnies Easter prep


Our Mini Vinnies leaders have been hands-on decorating Easter biscuits for the friends of Fred's Van.

This is now a tradition at McAuley and is embraced by our Mini Vinnies leaders every year.  These leaders from Years 5 and 6 have volunteered to support the work of St Vincent de Paul Society.  We have a close working relationship with Vinnies and its affiliate, Fred's Van.

Our Mini Vinnie leaders are supported by our School Chaplain and Mercy Associate, Mrs Emmy Smyk.

The Easter biscuits are now packaged in individual cellophane bags and ready for delivery by the Fred's Van volunteers.

Our heartfelt thanks to parent, Mrs Rikki-Lee Belperio for baking nearly one hundred and fifty biscuits in our canteen this morning, ready to decorate.  We love you Rikki-Lee!



It's Playgroup time!


Our friendly Pathways Playgroup now offers two sessions every Wednesday.

We are celebrating National Playgroup Week at McAuley.  We invite families to join us for the 9-10:30am session or the 11:30am-1pm session. Make new friends and join in the fun.

Last week was imagination week with painting, reading and craft. Early Years Educator, Mrs Danielle Statham offers a learning intention behind each element of play. 

For further info and to connect with Danielle please email her to start a conversation: danielle.statham@mcs.catholic.edu.au  Or go to our Pathways Playgroup page on our website by clicking here.

Come and try with a complimentary first visit.


Numeracy in Year One


Numeracy in Year One is focusing on the dynamic exploration of shapes.

Using a wide range of resources, these hands-on activities include creating, comparing and classifying shapes. This engaging learning supports learners to recognise familiar shapes of everyday objects.

This approach lays the foundation for further mathematical exploration.


Welcome to McAuley


It has been a dynamic start to learning at McAuley in term one and a pleasure to welcome our new educators.

Mrs Charlotte Hejka in Year 6, Mr Jake Scharenberg in Year 5, Miss Ellie Gillard in Reception and Mrs Tiffany McCallum in Music have joined our team of amazing educators.

Mrs Charlotte Hejka, mum of four adult children, has been teaching for nearly thirty years.  Her passion is numeracy and social sciences which includes religious education. Currently studying part-time Digital Technologies at Flinders University, she hopes to enhance the STEM experience at McAuley.  She is also an educator at Flinders University teaching pre-service teachers in Differentiation and Pedagogy. On the weekends, she loves to spoil her ‘oodles’ and her children.

Local Mr Jake Scharenberg, who has spent the last six years teaching in the Barossa, is thrilled to be back home.  He passion is golf and comes from a footy mad family.  Mr Scharenberg is also a qualified PE teacher though is loving being back in the classroom fulltime.

“I am really enjoying building relationships with my Year 5 class and learning about all their interests.”  

Miss Ellie Gillard is already loved by her Reception class. Having taught for the last three years in the Catholic system, something she appreciates about McAuley is how well connected educators are to their learners and their families.  Having grown up in Renmark in the Riverland, to relax, Miss Gillard loves being on the river and having a BBQ with her family.

Mrs Tiffany McCallum brings a wealth of music and performance experience to McAuley.  Before teaching in a primary school, Mrs McCallum spent fifteen years teaching performing arts in dance, singing and choreographing whole school musicals. As well as her degree in education, she studied music at the Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music.  Watch this space for how she will engage learners in the love of music and performance.

And it is our pleasure to welcome the very popular Mrs Sarah Graham back from leave to the Year 6 Neighbourhood. 

"I am absolutely loving being back and seeing so many familiar faces.  Also, everyone is so much older looking and taller!"

Mrs Graham and Mrs Hejka work together in the same Year 6 Pastoral Care Group.

Maths reception

Maths in Reception


Our Reception learners have been busy in maths this term exploring numbers 0-10 using the Ochre Education program.

“It has been exciting to see such amazing growth and hands-on learning,” said Educator Miss Ellie Gillard.

The learners have had a wide range of opportunities to explore, investigate and practice their learning.  The Reception educators are looking forward to seeing how this knowledge transfers into other mathematical concepts.


Whole School Excursion


Our whole school excursion was to Glenthorne National Park - Ityamaiitpinna Yarta.

A day to connect with friends and explore through play in nature. From perfume-making using natural resources to the excitement of the Adventure Playground. It was an opportunity to explore and take safe risks.

Thank you Abe from Nature Play SA for engaging learners' interest with the popular 'Bird Watching Bingo'. Jeremy from Green Adelaide had a captive audience beside the dam showing learners how to have a 'respectful' bug hunt with local ducks keeping a close eye on proceedings.

Thank you to our Sustainability Educator, Ms Carr for coordinating such an amazing day, our energetic staff and our many parent volunteers for your sense of fun and adventure.



The season of Lent


We gathered as a school community on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent.

The Lenten season is a time for fasting and reflection over the 40 days until Easter.

We are called into Lent by being signed with ashes, reminding us of God’s mercy in the challenge to simplify our lives and turn to the Gospel on the journey to Easter. â€‹

Lent is a time of growth and renewal for all of us. It’s a time to grow closer to God through our actions, through our prayers and through using the time to learn more about Jesus. 

Did you know that the ashes we share are from the burning of the Palm Sunday palms the year prior?


Welcome BBQ


A big thank you to everyone for the huge turnout to our Welcome BBQ. It was a fun night with great weather.

A wonderful opportunity to connect with friends and meet new families.

Our thanks to Kelly Sports Australia for the range of activities and Gino for serving ‘soft serve’ all night long. 


Surf Safety


It was an amazing week of Surf Safety for Years 3 to 6 at Hove Beach.

The instructors from Surf Ed focused the program on how to understand the ocean and keep yourself and others safe. Everyone enjoyed the sunshine and pleasant conditions. Thank you to our parent helpers for joining us.

Our Reception to Year 2 learners begin their Swim Safety program at the Aquatic Centre in March.


Welcome Liturgy


On Friday 2 February we gathered for a Welcome Liturgy to celebrate our 2024 theme of 'a place to connect.'

The scripture supporting the theme is: 'I am the vine, you are the branches'. This passage is found in John's (15.5) Gospel and will be the foundation of our work this year strengthening, renewing and growing our relationship with Christ.

Catherine McAuley led the way for us, seeing Christ as the light and seeing the light of Christ in everyone.  Her lifelong devotion to the service of others was inspired by her Faith.

May we take the opportunity to connect with our school community for friendship and support in 2024.




McAuley Carols


"It's beginning to look a-lot like Christmas"

With a crowd of nearly 1,500 expected for McAuley Carols on Tuesday 12 December at Mawson Oval, the weather had other ideas after a crazy weekend of rain and storms.

Thank you to our learners in all year levels who did an amazing performance in McAuley Gym, indoors, the next day.  Families were invited to attend and watch their child perform with their class or choir or band.  

A broad repertoire was performed with the crowd favourite a moving rendition of "O Holy Night" sung by the Primary Years Choir.  Well done everyone.



"Spin and twist. Glide and roll"


Our Reception learners have been busy exploring how objects move.

As part of their Physical Science inquiry, they have been studying how factors including their size, shape or material influence their movement.  Here the learners were using their knowledge to record their findings.

Aria: “Balls can roll and bounce”

Harley: “Ice slides and glides”

Bodhi: “Teddy Bears can twist and spin”

Reception Educator Miss Haanah Neis was thrilled with their engagement and display of learning.


Christmas Baking for our Community


Our Year 4 learners had the opportunity to decorate and pack Christmas biscuits for residents who visit Fred's Van, in association with St Vincent de Paul, in the city.

Our sincere thanks to parent Mrs Rikki-Lee Belperio for staying up late to bake over 200 hundred Christmas-shaped biscuits. It was all hands on deck as groups of Year 4 got creative with the coloured icing and sprinkles.

Said School Chaplain, Mrs Emmy Smyk, "What I love most about this time of year is the willingness of so many to support one another.  Oh and we are so grateful to Rikki-Lee."


Our Choirs at Westfield


It was a delight for families and customers to see our Early Years Choir and Primary Years Choir perform at Westfield Marion on Wednesday 22 November.

Performing 'Feliz Navidad', 'Here Comes Santa Claus' and 'Holly Jolly Christmas', 'Santa Claus is coming to Town' before joining together to sing 'Jingle Bell Rock' then taking a bow.         

Thank you to Music Educator, Mr Mifsud and Early Years Choir Director, Miss Parker for supporting our learners and boosting our Christmas spirit.


McAuley Community Care


McAuley Community School continues a long tradition of caring for families within our community.

A dedicated group of staff and parent/caregivers in our school community work together on McAuley Community Care.  Its purpose is to support and care for families in times of need.

School Chaplain, Mrs Emmy Smyk said, "We work in the spirit of Catherine McAuley. She is our inspiration".

Recognising this community need goes back to the 1990's at St Teresa's Catholic Primary School in Brighton.  We are grateful to Mrs Smyk for bringing this tradition to McAuley.

Volunteers meet twice a term in the evening and there are many different roles from cooking a meal, purchasing food trays and connecting with the Neighbourhoods. Recently, there was an afternoon of chat and cooking of pumpkin soup and bolognese at Mrs Bowden's home.

"We are always looking for more volunteers to cook the occasional meal for others", said McAuley Community Care Chair, Mrs Emily Bowden. 

For further information or support, please email mcc@mcs.catholic.edu.au or call 08 8397 6450. Click here to go to the McAuley Community Care page on our website.

We would like to acknowledge mum of two beautiful boys, Mrs Marina Ribeiro de Almeida who has been a volunteer for 10 years.  We have loved her South American influence in her meals and cooking skills.  Thank you from our families for your enthusiasm and generosity. 


SACPSSA Athletics Carnival


Congratulations to our 36 competitors in the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival.

Winning Overall Girls and Overall Boys Awards was an outstanding achievement.

Our Year 3 Girls, Year 4 Girls, Year 4 Boys, Year 5 Boys and Year 6 Boys won their division. Special mention to Sienna Dray (Year 3) and Jade Thiele (Year 4) for winning their respective age groups.

“It was a great atmosphere on the day with lots of healthy competition and good sportsmanship”, said our PE Educator Mr Tom Siinmaa.


Reception Liturgy


‘Prayer is an encounter with the mystery of God and we are invited into a relationship with God through this encounter’ (‘Being with God’, Catholic Education South Australia).

Learners at McAuley engage in regular Liturgy, which is a formalisation of prayer as a community. Here we are celebrating Liturgy with our Reception learners and their families in the McAuley Out of School Hours Care space.

We are grateful to our families for their support and involvement.

Reception to Year 2 engage in Neighbourhood Liturgies once per term.  The Years 3 to 6 Neighbourhoods celebrate in Mass where the Liturgy of the Eucharist is offered and presided by a priest from the Brighton Parish.

On Friday 7 September, Parish Priest Fr Michael celebrated our Year 3 Mass in our Chapel in the Catherine McAuley building with families present.

These are wonderful opportunities to pray, engage with the scripture and celebrate our Catholic faith in a meaningful way with families and the broader community.


Outdoor Classroom Day


We welcomed Nature Play SA to McAuley for an Outdoor Classroom Day.   

Our Reception , Years One and Two learners were engaged in the hands on sensory, mindfulness and construction activities of their choice.  Potions were made from herbs, lemon juice, native flowers and seeds.  Clay critters using sticks as limbs were sculptured and tents were designed then built.

It was up to each child to practice their collaboration skills if they worked in a team, sharing resources or working independently with support from educators.

Thank you Nature Play SA for another amazing experience.


Brighton Sand Dune care


It was a glorious morning to be outdoors for a group of our Year 5 and 6 learners.

Working with the City of Holdfast Bay and volunteers from the Holdfast Habitat Heroes has been a longstanding community project since our inaugural year of 2020.

On this particular visit, the focus was to remove the thistles, ice plants and weedy grasses in hard to reach areas. By removing these weeds this allows local native flora to thrive which supports local fauna such as the stump tail lizards and local native birds such as the hooded plover so they are able to find their food sources more easily.

Caring for Brighton Sand Dunes is a community project close to our hearts at McAuley.


Sports Day was HUGE!


What a magnificent way to end Term 3!  Thank you to our families for joining us in cheering your children as they jumped, leapt, hopped, sprinted and threw themselves into all the events.

Congratulations to the 2023 Mercy Cup winner, Baggot (red) and to the 2023 Sport Shield winner, Coolock (blue).  Our eight Sport Leaders were inspirational in how they led their houses.  Thank you!

We value the Brighton Lions Club for the amazing job on the BBQ all day cooking for our families.

A heartfelt thank you to Tom Siinmaa for his expertise and commitment to physical education at McAuley.



Mercy Day Celebrations


Mercy Day is the anniversary of the opening of the House of Mercy in 1827, by Catherine McAuley, for homeless women and children.  They were offered a home, care and an education.

One of the fundraising activities for Mercy Works in Australia, was the stalls by Year 5 and 6 in the Plaza and on Mawson Oval. Their creativity was amazing.  Thank you to our school community for your generous support and donations. Over $5,600 was raised.

We were delighted to have Sr Marie, Sr Mary, St Catherine and Mercy Associate Jenny as our special guests for our whole school mass.  Our thanks to our school chaplain, Mercy Associate Emmy.

‘Our vocation is full of joy and peace in the Holy Spirit’ – Catherine McAuley


Our Year 6 Arts Leaders are book illustrators


It was an exciting start to Term 3 for our Year 6 Arts Leaders involved with the Catholic Education SA literacy project for Playgroups.

Denis, Judd, Nadia and Alessia worked with CESA's Early Years Consultant Emily Bowden over three sessions to craft their illustrations for the book titled 'The Unexpected Arrival of the Golden Speckled Egg'. It has already been read by over 2,000 people and is set to be registered in the State and National Library.

"I love little kids and hearing we were making a book for them made me even more excited," said Alessia.

The egg project follows the success of Paint Playgroup REaD's Book Swap Box project that saw Playgroups including our Pathways Playgroup held at McAuley Community School every Monday morning, provided with a box filled with brand new books for families to access to take home each week when they come to Playgroup.  This activity ensures every child has access to books.

"Research shows that our brains do most of their critical development in the first three years of life and that every time we read, talk, sing and rhyme with our children, brain connections grow and foundations for learning are built," said CESA's Early Years Consultant.