

We are excited to welcome children and families to our Playgroup, at McAuley Community School.  Our focus is Early Learning with age-appropriate investigative play and community connection. Our Playgroup is called Pathways Playgroup.

We also participate in the Paint the Town REaD program to encourage children to engage with books in the first five years, so they are ready to learn at school. Did you know books can be borrowed each week to read at home?

We offer play and learning experiences for birth to school-age children. Feedback from families is they love the play station options with the level of engagement determined by the child.

Looking forward to welcoming families from our local community.

Day and Time

Join us every Wednesday in the school term from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.



Pathways Playgroup is held in the McAuley Gym Building at McAuley Community School.  

Entry is via the Canteen into our air-conditioned Out of Hours School Care (OHSC) space.

Parking is available off King George Avenue in front of the school.  May we ask you to not park in the Holdfast Bay Community Centre next door.

Please click here to view a map of McAuley Community School. 

How to Join

We offer your first visit with our compliments then it is a $20 fee per child per term. There is the option to attend casually for $5 per visit too. Why not come and visit our Pathways Playgroup on a Wednesday convenient to you.

Our Playgroup facilitator is a lovely new mum, Mrs Ashlee Lindsay, a qualified Early Years teacher at McAuley.  For further information on our program and enrolment, you are welcome to email:

What to Bring

We ask you to kindly pack a fruit snack, hat and water for an older child.

Male and female toilets are available with a baby change table in the Disabled Toilet.

Pathways Playgroup

Some of our Playgroup friends busy at play