Meet our Principal

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Introducing Mr Sean Hill

On 15 March 2024, Dr Neil McGoran, the Director of Catholic Education South Australia, announced Mr Sean Hill had been appointed as Principal of McAuley Community School.

With a wealth of leadership experience and a strong commitment to the Catholic faith, Mr Hill brings a demonstrated enthusiasm for ensuring excellence in teaching and learning. 

After joining McAuley at the start of Term Two 2024, Mr Hill has been embraced by our school community.  He is a very engaged Principal and enjoys getting to know our students by name and their families. He personally conducts every enrolment meeting with families new to our school recognizing each child's education is in partnership with their family.

Mr Hill oversaw the completion of our Neighbourhood Enhancement Program with the seven-month refurbishment works finishing ahead of time in October 2024. The learning spaces are now more enclosed with walls in each classroom and the best desk formation to promote better learning.  In 2025, he has created more grass areas and sand pits for play with more opportunities in progress for outside play spaces.

Our popular 2024 Principal's Tour program has continued with Mr Hill inviting families to join him on the first tour for 2025 on Wednesday 5 March. Registrations are closing soon, so please click here to register your interest and for more details.

Come and see what a McAuley education could look like for your child.

Our 2025 School Leaders with Mr Hill