Welcome to our first edition of McAuley News for 2022.
We are absolutely thrilled to present it to you in our new online format. We sincerely thank Maree Mayer, our Communications Officer for her hard work behind the scenes and commitment. We hope you find it easy to read and easy to access.
McAuley News is produced monthly, demonstrating and celebrating our high-quality teaching and learning programs in each of our learning neighbourhoods and specialist areas across the school. We share with you whole school projects and showcase the range of experiences and opportunities that are provided for learners at McAuley.
It certainly hasn’t been the start to the 2022 school year as we had planned, but as our Director, Dr Neil McGoran, said to Principals earlier in the year, ‘it will be the best start yet’. For us, we feel it has been exactly that – our best start yet, albeit amongst COVID-19 in our school and community.
Our theme for this year is ‘A Place to Discover.’ To guide us in our discovery, one of the quotes we have chosen is from Catherine McAuley: ‘We must strive to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.’ To support us doing this, our Leadership Team has been strengthened with the appointment of Nicole Tropeano, Leader of Learning and Yalinda Allen, Leader of Diversity & Inclusion. Nicole and Yalinda elaborate further on their role and their goals for the year in this edition of McAuley News.
We were very excited to launch, at the School Board AGM this week, our 2022-2024 McAuley Community School Strategic Plan. Our four strategic priorities: Catholic Identity and Faith Formation, Learning and Teaching, Community and Wellbeing and Stewardship and Accountability are further elaborated on in the Strategic Plan. Each year we develop an Annual Improvement Plan further explaining what we will be focusing on and doing to meet our Strategic Priorities.
Our 2022 Annual Improvement Plan was also presented at the School Board AGM. Before the end of term, we will distribute our Strategic Plan to each family.
We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding throughout Term One as we have together navigated school and COVID-19. We appreciate your honesty, understanding and partnership.
Enjoy reading our first online edition of McAuley News packed with learning, opportunities and fun.