
McAuley Community School welcomes applications from families seeking a Catholic education for their child. We enjoy working in partnership with our families and are proud to be a place of belonging, where diversity is celebrated and all have the opportunity to live, learn and lead together.

We welcome the opportunity to have a conversation with you about your child’s Reception to Year 6 education. Enrolments are also available during the school year, space permitting in that year level.  Reception intakes are at the start of Term 1 and Term 3.

For assistance, please call our Enrolment Officer, Hebbie Clarke on (08) 8397 6450 or email enrolment@mcs.catholic.edu.au


Here are some handy links for your reference:

Further information on the enrolment process

Principal’s Tour registration

When should my child start school

Digital Enrolment Application document

Credit Card Authority

Fee Structure


2022-2024 Strategic Plan